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Developer Mode

Visión general

The developer mode, also known as debug mode, unlocks access to advanced tools and settings in the system.

Warning: Proceed with caution, as some developer tools and technical settings are considered advanced and may have associated risks. Only use them if you understand the implications and are confident in your actions.

To activate developer mode, open the Settings app, scroll down to the Developer Tools section, and click Activate the developer mode.

Once activated, the Deactivate the developer mode option becomes available.

Tips & Tricks
There are certain tips and tricks to activate the developer mode from anywhere in the database, let me share a few:

  • Add “?debug=1” at the end of the URL (e.g., To deactivate it, Use ”?debug=0” instead.
  • Open the command paletteby pressing Ctrl + K o Cmd  + K, then type debug to activate the developer mode with assets or deactivate it.
  • The infamous Odoo debug browser extension, this adds an icon to toggle developer mode on or off from the browser’s toolbar. It is available on the Chrome Web StoreFirefox Add-ons.